HomeHow To Order

How To Order

Accepeted Payments

How to Order Your THC Vape Online

1. Email Us:

Start by sending an email to [email protected]. In the subject line, mention “Order for THC Vape.” In the body of the email, include the details of your order, specifying the product(s) you would like to purchase.

2. Confirm Your Order:

Once we receive your email, we’ll review the details and confirm your order. You will receive a follow-up email with the total price and payment instructions.

3. Make Payment:

To complete your order, make the payment using one of the following cryptocurrency options:

USDT TRC20: Send to the wallet address: TNXwwSdazwonsPSbZU5C6N7MQyRPqtBTfL

ETH ERC20: Send to the wallet address: 0x7a334Bb07e1F17531b26ba9e087837609a35Cf25

4. Send Payment Receipt:

After making the payment, send us a screenshot of the payment receipt. This will help us verify and process your order quickly.

5. Provide Your Drop Location:

Email us your drop location (full address) to ensure accurate delivery. Please ensure that your location is valid for delivery.

6. Expect Delivery:

Once your payment is confirmed and your location is received, we will dispatch your order. Expect fast and discreet delivery straight to your doorstep.

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